
The story of Dragon AgeInquisition follows a player character known as the Inquisitor on a journey to settle the civil unrest in the continent of Thedas and close a mysterious tear in the sky called the "Breach", which is unleashing dangerous demons upon the world.



The story of Dragon AgeInquisition follows a player character known as the Inquisitor on a journey to settle the civil unrest in the continent of Thedas and close a mysterious tear in the sky called the "Breach", which is unleashing dangerous demons upon the world.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition game. Become the Inquisitor. Make momentous choices, forge relationships, and explore incredible worlds with a character of your own creation.
  • Jaws of Hakkon. Uncover the previous Inquisitor's fate. What became of the dragon he pursued? Explore a stretching wilderness and its fiercely independent residents, the hunters known as Avvar.
  • The Descent. Brave your way into the Deep Roads and dare to fight the terrifying and deadly Darkspawn in a sprawling world underneath Thedas. Discover the reason behind the earthquakes that threaten to tear Thedas apart.
  • Trespasser. The adventure isn't over. Defeat the tremendous evil bent on destroying Thedas. This is your final mission, Inquisitor. Succeed at all costs.
  • Deluxe Upgrades, Spoils of the Avvar & Spoils of the Qunari. Equip and customize gear, weapons, mounts and more. Make your mark on the Inquisition.

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Gaming Genre Action/Adventure
PEGI Age Rating 18+
Platform PC
